
The Cabinet of Ministers imposed restrictions on the operation of online casinos in Ukraine: what is at stake

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The Cabinet of Ministers has introduced restrictions on online gambling in Ukraine, including limiting advertising with military symbols, banning multiple accounts for one player, mandatory breaks for players, and allowing players to set limits on spending and time spent gambling.

At its meeting on May 17, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to impose restrictions on gambling advertising and trademarks  under which gambling activities are conducted, including the use of symbols of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, before the new gambling law comes into force. This was reported  by the representative of the Government in the Parliament Taras Melnychuk, UNN reports. 

"A decision has been made to implement the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of 20.04.2024 "On Counteracting the Negative Effects of Gambling on the Internet", enacted by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 20.04. 2024 No. 234, until the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine in order to combat gambling addiction (ludomania) and improve state regulation of activities related to the organization and conduct of gambling and lotteries, but not later than the end of the legal regime of martial law, to establish a procedure for restricting gambling advertising, which is carried out by limiting the distribution of gambling advertising, advertising of trademarks, other intellectual property rights under which activities are carried out. 

It has been determined that: 

  • registration of several client accounts for one player by gambling organizers on the Internet is prohibited; 
  • when conducting online gambling, gambling organizers are obliged to: introduce mandatory breaks in gambling for each player; 
  • after registering a player in the online system of the gambling organizer or before accepting a bet, receive information from the player about: 
  • the limit of funds that a player wants to spend on gambling during a certain time (day, week, month), and set the chosen limit with the possibility of changing it no more than once a month;
  • the maximum time of continuous participation of a player in a gambling game during a day and the maximum time of his participation in a gambling game during a week and set the selected time of participation in the game.

Боротьба з азартними іграми та онлайн-казино без ліцензії: заблоковано понад 2500 сайтів, порушено 450 кримінальних справ28.04.24, 11:57


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