
Telegram has become the main source of information for Ukrainians: what about disinformation?

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Almost half of Ukrainians receive information via Telegram, and 89% of respondents consider disinformation a serious problem. This is evidenced by the results of a survey by the sociological group "Rating", UNN reports


According to the survey,  Telegram is the most popular source of information for 47% of respondents, followed by YouTube (26%), the United News Marathon (21%), as well as eyewitness accounts/acquaintances and official government sources (both 19%). 

Other sources include TV channels that are not part of the "United News Marathon" (16%), Ukrainian online media (15%) and international media (14%).   

According to the survey, social networks are considered the main source of disinformation (53%), followed by messengers (including Telegram) (35%) and television (32%). 

89% of respondents consider disinformation to be a serious problem, including 56% who consider it very serious and 33% who consider it rather serious. Only 10% do not consider the problem of disinformation and fakes to be serious.  

For reference 

The survey was conducted from September 24 to 29, 2024, by telephone interviews using a computer, with a sample of 2,000 respondents representing the adult population of Ukraine (excluding the temporarily occupied territories and territories without Ukrainian mobile communications). The margin of error is 2.2% with a confidence level of 0.95.   


The Verkhovna Rada banned the use of Telegram on official devices in accordance with the decision of the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

The National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting has imposed restrictions on the use of Telegram on official devices. To analyze media on Telegram, a separate network segment is being created, separated from the internal network of the National Council.


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