
Taiwan changes war games in line with China's escalating military threat

 • 88768 переглядiв

Taiwan's annual war games this year will be more realistic than ever before and simulate real battles over the rapidly growing military threat from China, which considers Taiwan its territory.

In Taiwan, this year's war games may be much more realistic due to the growing military threat from China. This is reported by Reuters, reports UNN.


In Taiwan, this year's annual war games promise to be more realistic than ever before, according to a senior official. The changes to this traditional measure are due to the rapid growth of the "hostile threat" from China, which considers Taiwan its territory.

Over the past four years, China has regularly conducted military exercises around the island, increasing pressure on Taipei to recognize its sovereignty over it. In response to this threat, Taiwan is revising its defense strategies and training programs to maximize the realism of its military exercises.

In recent years, the enemy's threat has changed rapidly. Our intentions are now not just to show military capabilities, but also to realistically simulate real battles, given the turbulent situation in the region

- the official emphasized.

The senior representative also stressed the importance of continuous review of Defense Action Plans and preparations, given the extreme importance of readiness for complex combat scenarios.

Через загрозу війни навколо Тайваню США та Китай відновили переговори щодо ядерної зброї - Reuters21.06.24, 13:24


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