
Suspicion was reported to the general of the Rosgvardiya, who is responsible for repressions in the Donetsk region

 • 21406 переглядiв

Russian Lieutenant General Igor Semilyak is suspected of mass repressions, kidnappings, tortures and murders of civilians in the occupied part of the Donetsk region.

Law enforcement officers have collected evidence against Russian Lieutenant General Igor Zemlyak, who is involved in the death of people and mass repressions in the temporarily occupied part of the territory of Donetsk region.  this was reported in the press service of the SBU, reports UNN


It is reported that Igor Semilyak is the commander of the "Main Directorate of the Rosgvardiya of the DPR" created by the aggressor, which was formed on the instructions of the Kremlin to conduct mass repressions against residents of the region and establish control over it.

Since the beginning of 2023, by Order of Semilyak, his subordinates have been conducting so-called forced "filtering" against local residents. Some of them, who were considered potential members of the Resistance Movement, were abducted and imprisoned in local concentration camps, which operate under the guise of 17 "filtration points".

In the dungeons, people were subjected to psychological pressure, death threats and physical torture, which led to serious consequences for many victims.

Окупанти посилюють репресії в Криму, щоб зупинити співпрацю місцевих з партизанами - Центр нацспротиву08.05.24, 16:35

According to the investigation, Semilyak was appointed head of the local "branch" of Rosgvardiya in early 2023. Subsequently, the occupation formation included a significant part of the militants from the Russian private military company Wagner and the Vostok Battalion.

In addition, in order to cover large areas of the region with repression, three regiments of the 116th separate Special Forces Brigade of the Rosgvardiya were sent to "strengthen" the Semilyak group at once.

On the basis of the Russian general, the Dodatkov regiment was formed by a special purpose – "OMON " and "SOBR".

Now investigators of the Security Service informed Semilyak in absentia about suspicion under three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.:

  •  Part 3 of Article 110 (intentional actions aimed at changing the borders of the territory and state border of Ukraine, committed by a person who is a representative of the authorities, which led to the death of people and other serious consequences);
  •  Part 1 of Article 258-3 (creation of a terrorist organization, management and participation in such an organization, organizational and other assistance to the creation and activities of a terrorist organization);
  •  HH. 2, 3 of Article 260 (creation, management and participation in the activities of an armed formation not provided for by law, its financing, supply of weapons, ammunition and military equipment).

The SBU said that since the person involved is in the temporarily occupied part of the territory of Ukraine, comprehensive measures are being taken to bring him to justice.

Репресії на загарбаних територіях: За спротив агресору засуджують місцевих - Федоров13.03.24, 02:12


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