
Stoltenberg's deputy on Putin's nuclear threats: it's part of psychological pressure, NATO sees no immediate threat of Russia using these weapons

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NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană said that Russia uses nuclear threats to intimidate, NATO sees no immediate threat of Russia using these weapons, although such statements undermine trust.

russia uses nuclear threats as intimidation, NATO sees no immediate threat of Russia's use of these weapons, although such statements undermine trust. This was stated by NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană in an interview with El Pais, according to UNN.  

We have seen nuclear threats from Russian leaders at least since the beginning of the war two years ago. This is a great irresponsibility for a nuclear superpower like Russia, which should act moderately. This is part of their arsenal of intimidation and psychological pressure

- asked Joan how seriously he takes Putin's statements, which once again threatened with nuclear weapons.

When asked whether he interpreted "this more as a bluff than a real threat," the NATO Deputy Secretary General replied: "This is language that delves more into the logic of psychological intimidation than into real intentions.

We see no immediate threat of Russia using these weapons. But these statements are very dangerous in themselves, because they undermine trust. russia is aware of the consequences of such a move. This is its eloquent way of attacking the West, for example, when it describes the war it started in Ukraine as a war of civilizations, or when it claims that the West is trying to destroy Russia, which is absolutely absurd

- said Joan.

путін відповів Макрону на пропозицію відправити війська НАТО в Україну та знову почав лякати світ ядерним конфліктом29.02.24, 12:14


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