
Since the beginning of the war, the SBU has discovered 7 types of enemy "bugs" in representatives of the Defense Forces - Malyuk

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The Security Service of Ukraine discovered 7 types of remote espionage programs that the enemy installed in the phones of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to obtain information.

The Security Service of Ukraine managed to identify 7 types of enemy "bugs", which the enemy remotely places in the phones of our representatives of the Defense Forces, and then receives information. This was stated by the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Malyuk during the forum "Ukraine. Year 2024", UNN reports.

"The enemy, in addition to agent infiltration, is engaged in technical infiltration. And in fact, today there are mobile groups in the Defense Forces that detect infiltration data. I will tell you frankly, since the beginning of the war, we have discovered 7 types of enemy anti-aircraft guns. An IPS is an encrypted program bookmark. That is, it is a bug that the enemy remotely places in the phones of our Defense Forces representatives and then receives information," Malyuk said.

He added that all this is detected, localized, and then cyber offensive measures are taken against the enemy.


Last year, the Security Service of Ukraine managed to detect and detain 47 agent networks working for the enemy. Since the beginning of the war, more than 2,000 traitors have been detained.


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