
Several thousand people rallied in Hungary to demand an end to state media “propaganda”

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Thousands of Hungarians gathered outside the headquarters of the country's state television on Saturday, October 5, protesting what they call the government's “propaganda machine” and calling for independent public media. This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


According to the newspaper, protesters from the opposition TISZA party claim that the state broadcaster MTVA is conducting biased propaganda, showing only politicians from the party and government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, as well as analysts who repeat their rhetoric.

According to the agency, TISZA, led by media-active political newcomer Péter Magyar, is the biggest challenge to Orban since he came to power in 2010.

Waving the national flag and banners reading “Stop the propaganda,” thousands of TISZA supporters gathered in Budapest, shouting “We are not afraid” and “We are fed up.

Magyar demanded that Hungarian public television broadcast the protest “unedited”.

Україна та Угорщина домовилися провести до кінця року засідання Спільної міжурядової комісії30.09.24, 15:47

The TISZA party, which stands for Tisztelet és Szabadság (Respect and Freedom), has the support of 39% of voters, compared to 43% for Orban's Fidesz party. These are the results of a poll published last month by the Median sociological service. The next elections are scheduled for early 2026.

Magyar, capitalizing on growing voter disillusionment with Orban at a time when the economy is just emerging from an inflationary crisis, has promised to root out corruption, restore public media, and develop democratic checks and balances that critics say have been undermined under Orban.

While public media mainly serve as the government's mouthpiece, private media are largely controlled by Fidesz Orban's allies. At the same time, the Hungarian government denies undermining press freedom.

Угорщина підтримала китайську ініціативу "Друзі миру" щодо врегулювання війни в Україні27.09.24, 20:09


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