
Scholz called on allies to support the initiative to increase Ukraine'S air defense capabilities

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on international allies to support Germany's initiative to increase Ukraine's air defense capabilities in any way possible.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on international allies to support the German initiative to increase the capabilities of Ukrainian air defense in any way they can. He stated this during a speech at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024, the correspondent of UNN reports .

I would like to appeal to all those present and ask you to support our initiative to increase the capabilities of Ukrainian air defense in any way you can. Because the best recovery and which should not even be implemented

- Scholz called.

In addition, Scholz said that strength and commitment to principles are prerequisites for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to realize that there will be no military victory and peace in the form of a dictatorship.

"He must stop the brutal campaign and withdraw his troops. To bring this awareness closer is the goal of the peace summit that we are going to this weekend in Switzerland. There, we will make it clear to partners from all over the world that we support international law and the United Nations Charter. In this case, it means that we will support the attacked Ukraine  for as long as it takes," Scholz said.

Шольц повідомив, коли Німеччина поставить в Україну третю систему Patriot11.06.24, 11:49


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