
SBU identifies and serves suspicion notice to fsb colonel who tortured people in Vovchansk during occupation

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The SBU has identified an fsb colonel who tortured people during the occupation of Kharkiv region and protected looters who smuggled stolen goods to russia.

The SBU has served a notice of suspicion to an fsb colonel who tortured people and "covered" looters during the occupation of Kharkiv region. This was reported by the Security Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The Security Service has reportedly identified a russian fsb officer involved in war crimes against civilians during the occupation of Kharkiv region. It was colonel maksym zhyvylo, an officer of the 9th directorate of the operational information department of the 5th service of the fsb central office.

The report notes that at the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion, he was appointed the head of a group that was engaged in suppressing the resistance movement in the temporarily occupied part of the region.

While in the then-occupied Chuhuiv district, the fsb unit led by the defendant tracked down and abducted Ukrainian patriots. It has been documented that in April 2022, the racists grabbed a local resident in the middle of the street, tied him up and took him to a russian torture chamber

- the statement said.

There, the man was tortured, and zhyvylo personally participated in these actions, trying to force the victim to cooperate.

Also, according to the SBU, zhyvylo fully controlled the transportation of goods through the occupation checkpoints in the direction of russia and agreed on such "flights" in writing. On his instructions, the invaders transported more than 20 trucks with looted property of local residents to russia. These were mostly stolen premium cars, boats, ATVs and agricultural machinery. For each truck, the fsb official received different amounts of cash from the looters.

SBU investigators have served zhyvyl a notice of suspicion in absentia under Part 2 of Article 28 and Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy). Comprehensive measures are underway to bring him to justice for crimes against Ukraine.

Катував місцевих під час окупації: спецпризначенцю рф, який захоплював Кінбурнську косу оголосили підозру20.02.24, 17:10


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