
SBU announces detention of Russian GRU agents preparing terrorist attack in Kyiv: 20-year-old girl among recruits

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The Security Service of Ukraine reported that together with the National Police they detained agents of the Russian GRU who were preparing a terrorist attack in Kyiv, UNN reports.

The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police prevented a bloody terrorist attack in Kyiv, which was planned by Russian military intelligence (better known as the GRU). As a result of a special operation, two Russian agents were detained who were to prepare an improvised explosive device and detonate it in a crowded place in the capital of Ukraine

- the SBU reported on social media.

According to SBU counterintelligence, the Russians' goal was to maximize the number of civilian deaths in Kyiv to spread panic among citizens.

Russian intelligence remotely recruited a 20-year-old resident of Zaporizhzhia, who was looking for "easy" money in Telegram channels, to commit a terrorist attack

- the SBU said.

According to the SBU, after being recruited, the agent received detailed instructions from the occupiers on how to make an explosive device from improvised components.

"According to the enemy's instructions, the attacker used two mobile phones to connect a detonator with plastid, which she had to get from a camouflaged cache. The occupants planned to "dump" its geolocation to the girl on the eve of the terrorist attack," the SBU said.

According to the SBU, it was established that she was in contact with a staff member of a Russian GRU, which was located in the temporarily occupied part of the territory of Zaporizhzhia region.

"The agent involved her 26-year-old partner in cooperation with the aggressor. Before committing the terrorist attack, both suspects had to fulfill a "control" task of the Russian special service: to set fire to several units of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhia region," the SBU said.

"To prevent the crime, SBU counterintelligence detained both traitors red-handed when they tried to set fire to an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) performing tasks on the southern front," the statement said.

It is noted that at the scene of the incident, the detainees were seized tools of the crime and mobile phones with evidence of subversive activities in favor of Russia.

The SBU investigators served them suspicion notices under Part 2 Article 28, Part 2 Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason committed by a group of persons under martial law). The perpetrators are in custody without the right to be released on bail. They face life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Готував теракт у Києві: агенту спецслужб рф повідомлено про підозру18.10.23, 13:35 • [views_228030]


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