
Salary delayed in occupied mines in Luhansk region - RMA

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Russian shelling continues in the Luhansk region, wages are being delayed at the Vostokugol mines in the occupied territories, and the occupiers in Rubizhne refuse to accept applications for compensation for destroyed property.

In the Luhansk region, shelling by Russian troops does not stop, in the occupied territories, salaries are delayed at the Vostokugol mines for two months, and in Rubizhne, the occupiers do not accept applications for compensation for destroyed property, the Luhansk RMA reported on Saturday, UNN writes.


"It is extremely dangerous to stay in the liberated villages – the shelling by the Russians does not stop. So, from mortars, the enemy hit Makeyevka, from barrel artillery – on Stelmakhovka and Kuzemovka. Nevsky was hit by mortars, barrel and rocket artillery. The Russians conducted attacking actions near Grekovka, Andreevka, Belogorovka and Serebryansky Forest," said Artem Lysogor, chairman of the Luhansk RMA.

In the Kupyansky direction, in particular, the losses of the invaders amounted, according to him, to 84 people killed and wounded. Two tanks and two armored combat vehicles were destroyed.

According to him, "a man born in 1982 was helped to leave the frontline city of Makeyevka for Kharkiv region. "There he will live with his mother, who was evacuated two days earlier. In the future, the Krasnorechensk military administration will provide the necessary assistance to the family," the head of Luhansk region said.

As for the occupied territories, according to the RMA, "an investor from the Russian Federation, to whom the leadership of the so-called "LPR" gave the Vostokugol mines for a song, has already managed to form wage arrears at enterprises." "Moreover, funds for its repayment were requested in the budget. New owners are waiting for a response to the request, miners – money," the RMA said on Facebook.

And the occupation administration of Rubizhne, as noted, refuses to accept applications for further compensation for the destroyed real estate. They say that money is not provided for these payments.

На захопленій Луганщині окупанти збільшують кількість блокпостів, розшукуючи чоловіків - ОВА31.05.24, 10:45


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