
Sabotage, working for the Kremlin and even treason - experts on the court decision that blocked food tenders for the Armed Forces

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The experts commented on the court decision that blocked the food tenders for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This is an activity in favor of Russia, sabotage, and it may even have signs of treason. This is how the experts interviewed by UNN commented on the decision of the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal, which partially upheld the claim of Trade Granit Invest, after which the State Logistics Operator was forced to cancel 11 food purchases for the Armed Forces.

In particular, military expert Dmytro Snegiryov believes that the SBU should be interested in the decision and the judges who made it.

"It seems that this is some kind of work in favor of Russia. Thus, in fact, Russia, using loopholes in Ukrainian legislation, is trying to block material and technical procurement of the Ministry of Defense. There should be an immediate reaction from law enforcement agencies, primarily the SBU, to check such decisions. This is not the first time that tenders have been canceled or blocked. And this is not normal.

Indeed, there is a tendency to challenge these tenders, effectively blocking their implementation. And this applies not only to food procurement, but also to other important things provided by the Ministry of Defense. The situation is paradoxical and outrageous," said Snegiryov.

The expert believes that the court's decision to cancel the tender condition to exclude firms that have already disrupted food supplies to the Ukrainian army is strange.

And he hints that such actions of the Themis servants can be qualified as "high treason".

"It is a normal and non-discriminatory condition when the State Enterprise asks not to allow those who have disrupted tenders to participate in them. If a company is recorded as dishonest in relation to public procurement, then why should it be allowed to participate at all

But we have to draw attention to the fact that these are egregious cases, and we are actually talking about blocking supplies for the needs of the Armed Forces at a time of large-scale war. These actions can be interpreted as sabotage - disruption of defense procurement and infliction of material damage to the state, and therefore an encroachment on its territorial integrity and sovereignty. If you really want to, you can even bring it under Article 111 (Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "High Treason" - ed.)," added Dmytro Snegiryov.

Political analyst Viktor Bobyrenko also believes that the situation surrounding the tenders for the supply of food to the Armed Forces is also beneficial to the Kremlin.

"The supply of food is very important. And let's be frank, if we don't repeal, for example, the rule on preventing unscrupulous companies from participating in tenders, the Kremlin can use this. In particular, it can use a bunch of companies to register here through front companies and go to the bidding, drive down the price, and win. But the goal will not be to sell or make money, but to disrupt the supply. This is a real possibility," the political scientist noted.

In his opinion, such a scenario can and should be prevented only at the legislative level.

"There is a danger that the process of organizing meals in the army will be jeopardized. If this cannot be resolved through the courts, then the legislation needs to be changed. I think it should be done not at the level of tender conditions, but at the level of the law, so that the court can unambiguously interpret these provisions of the law: if the supply is disrupted once, it is forbidden to participate in new tenders. In particular, a law on the specifics of procurement in wartime should be adopted.

We are all in favor of keeping the procedures in place, but on the other hand, we want it not to disrupt supplies to the military. Because once again, it can be either unfair competition or an enemy whose goal is not to make money but to disrupt supplies," summarized Viktor Bobyrenko


On February 20, the panel of judges of the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal partially upheld the claim of Trade Granit Invest and canceled a number of requirements for tenders for the supply of food to the Armed Forces.

According to the court's decision, the DOT no longer has the right to demand proof of disinfestation and deratization works at warehouses in 2023 and the use of cash registers in at least 50% of the declared warehouses, as well as to prevent companies that have not fulfilled their obligations under the previously won tenders from participating in tenders.

Because of this, the State Logistics Operator was forced to cancel 11 tenders totaling almost UAH 11 billion.

After the State Logistics Operator announced the first tenders for the supply of food to the Armed Forces under the new rules, a "dirty" information campaign was launched against it and the new team of the Ministry of Defense, carried out by pseudo-expertswho collaborated with the traitor Viktor Medvedchuk and other pro-Russian politicians.

With a high degree of probability, we can saythat Trade Granite Invest was involved in this information attack.


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