
Russians run out of Kalibr cruise missile carriers in Crimea - Pletenchuk

 • 20375 переглядiв

The last Russian ship capable of carrying Kalibr cruise missiles in Crimea, the Cyclone, was hit, leaving Russia without such carriers on the occupied peninsula.

The Russians have run out of Kalibr cruise missile carriers in Crimea. The last ship that could carry such missiles was destroyed by the Defense Forces. This was announced on Thursday by the spokesman for the Southern Defense Forces Dmytro Pletenchuk during a telethon, UNN reports.


"They ran out of carriers (Kalibr - ed.) in Crimea, because the last one was the Cyclone, which was destroyed in Crimea. However, even it was a kind of carrier with an asterisk, because during its time as part of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, it never launched a single missile. This does not reduce the value of this asset in terms of its destruction, because they would probably have brought it back to working order at some point anyway. But there are still other carriers in the Black Sea that are based in Novorossiysk. One of the submarines, which is not a carrier, has been put to sea, but this information is still being verified," Pletenchuk said.

He added that some Russian ships left Crimea yesterday and arrived in Novorossiysk.

"These are auxiliary vessels, which apparently also decided to redeploy, given the danger in Crimea. Otherwise, the situation remains stable," Pletenchuk added.

According to him, the occupiers cannot withdraw all the ships from Crimea because there is no place to put them in other locations.


On Monday, May 20, the media reportedthat the Russian navy ship Cyclone with Kalibr cruise missiles was attacked near Sevastopol in Crimea.

Later, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmedthat the Ukrainian Defense Forces had hit a Russian Cyclone missile ship in Sevastopol on the night of May 19.


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