
russians analyze the results of their attacks when preparing the next strike - Yevlash

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The russians are analyzing the results of their recent attacks on Ukraine's energy sector and are stockpiling missiles for regular strikes, while maintaining a strategic reserve.

The enemy is probably preparing for new attacks by analyzing its recent strikes on the energy sector. They are accumulating missiles for regular attacks, but leaving a strategic reserve. This was stated by Air Force spokesman Ilya Yevlash during a telethon, according to a UNN correspondent.

Most likely, the enemy is planning and preparing for further attacks. We cannot know for sure their strategic plan. However, it is likely that the enemy is now analyzing the results it has inflicted on our energy sector in recent months, and probably believes that some of its goals have been achieved

- Yevlash said.

He notes that the russians need to accumulate missiles in order to conduct such attacks with regularity.

He can't use the rectas "at zero"; there must be some strategic reserve

- He added.


At night, russian troops struck in Sumy region, damaging a power facility, and in the evening in Kharkiv region, where the enemy continues to attack power facilities, power equipment was turned off.

"Проблеми з виготовленням ракет": Євлаш розповів, чому знизилася інтенсивність застосування "Калібрів"03.05.24, 11:18


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