
Russian troops break through the border in Kharkiv region: SBI launches investigation, minute-by-minute development of events

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Russian troops broke through Ukraine's border in the Kharkiv region, which led to the launch of a pre-trial investigation into the unauthorized abandonment of the battlefield and negligence of the Ukrainian military.

In Ukraine, law enforcement officers have launched a pre-trial investigation into the fact that Russian Federation troops broke through the state border in Kharkiv region, UNN reports citing the State Bureau of Investigation.


According to the SBI, on May 10, the occupiers managed to break through the first echelon of defense and seize several settlements along the Ukrainian-Russian border, causing losses to the Armed Forces and civilians.

Given the high-profile nature of the proceedings, the best investigators and management of the SBI Main Investigation Department are involved in the investigation, and there is close cooperation with the SBU operational units. There is also full communication and support from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Kharkiv JTF and the Khortytsia JTF.

Харківщина: Синєгубов розповів, які ініціативи були погоджені після візиту Президента у регіон10.04.24, 17:38

As part of the pre-trial investigation, the Bureau comprehensively checks the level of supply and staffing of the Armed Forces units, the construction of fortifications, interaction between military units, etc. It also checks the actions of the leadership of all levels in the region during, before and after the enemy's offensive, and investigates possible facts of unjustified abandonment of combat positions by the Armed Forces.

The minute-by-minute development of events has already been established. A number of important examinations have been ordered and are expected to be completed in the near future.

Preliminary qualification - unauthorized leaving the battlefield and negligent attitude to military service (Article 429, Part 4 of Article 425 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

росіяни перейшли в наступ на Харківщині, на фронті майже сотня бойових зіткнень за добу - Генштаб 10.05.24, 20:03

All procedural actions are carried out taking into account the real situation in the places of deployment of the units and without prejudice to the performance of their combat missions, the SBI added.


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