
Russian Interior Ministry puts former heads of the Estonian Foreign Ministry and Police on the wanted list

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The Russian Interior Ministry has put former Estonian Police Chief Elmar Vaher and former Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu on the wanted list, according to Russian media reports, although no specific charges have been specified.

Russia's Interior Ministry has put former Estonian police chief Elmar Vaher and former Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu on the wanted list. This follows from the department's database, Russian media write, UNN reports .


"Wacher Elmar. 01.05.1975. Wanted under article of the Criminal Code," the card reads.

A similar card was issued to Rheinzal. The articles for which they are wanted are not specified.

Чеська поліція розшукує генерала російської військової розвідки 12.05.24, 03:09

Lilia Podolyak



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