
Russian hackers are spreading deepfakes about the Paris Olympics. In Ukraine, they assume that computer science may become more intensive

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The hacker group Storm-1679 used AI to create a feature film called "The Fall of the Olympic Games", which used Tom Cruise's deepfake. The film shows a dismissive attitude towards the leadership of the International Olympic Committee.

The Center for Strategic Communications reported that Russian hackers spread deepfakes and misinformation about the Olympic Games in Paris, reports UNN.


The hacker group Storm-1679, with the help of IS, created a feature film called "The Fall of the Olympic Games", which used Tom Cruise's deepfake. The film shows a dismissive attitude towards the leadership of the International Olympic Committee.

Hackers also released fake videos about expectations of violence spreading during games, according to a new report from the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center.

"The use of computer - generated special effects and a broad marketing campaign, including fake support from Western media and celebrities, indicates a significant improvement in skills and effort compared to most previous disinformation campaigns," the report says.

According to the Center, the goal is to spread fear among the public to reduce the number of visitors and spectators to the Summer Olympic Games.

As the opening ceremony approaches, such information attacks may become more intense, the center added.

Олімпіада-2024: Франція готується до безпрецедентного виклику у сфері кібербезпеки06.05.24, 16:41


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