
Russian Foreign Ministry summons German ambassador amid scandal over interception of German officers' communications

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The Russian foreign ministry summoned the German ambassador after Russian media published an intercepted audio recording of a conversation between high-ranking German military officials discussing weapons for Ukraine.

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the German ambassador after Russian media published an audio recording of a conversation between high-ranking German military officials. This was reported by the Russian media, according to UNN


As noted, the German ambassador was summoned on Monday, March 4. 

In the intercepted conversation, German officers discussed weapons for Ukraine and a possible attack on the Crimean bridge by Kyiv. 

The German Ministry of Defense stated that the intercepted internal conversation of the Air Force officers was genuine.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius claims that Russia's publication of a leaked conversation between high-ranking Bundeswehr officers  is aimed at undermining unity in the country.


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