
Russia uses advanced jamming techniques to disable Starlink - Fedorov

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According to Ukrainian Digital Technology Minister Mykhaylo Fedorov, Russia is using increasingly sophisticated means to cut off Ukraine's access to the Starlink satellite Internet network.

Russia is using more sophisticated means to jam Ukrainian access to the Starlink network. This was stated by Ukrainian Digital Technology Minister Mykhailo Fedorov in an interview with The New York Times, according to UNN.


The NYT notes that shortly before Russian troops crossed Ukraine's northern border this month, members of Ukraine's 92nd Assault Brigade lost a vital resource. The Starlink satellite internet service, which soldiers use for communications, intelligence gathering and drone attacks, stopped working.

According to Fedorov, Russia's recent attacks on Starlink appear to have used new and more advanced technology.

The network has previously stood up well to interference on the front lines, where electronic warfare, radio jamming and other communications disruptions are widespread. But the Russians are now “testing various mechanisms to disrupt Starlink's communication quality because it's so important to us,”  Fedorov said, without revealing details about what he called its “powerful” electronic weapons systems.

Last month, an official in charge of Russia's electronic warfare service told state media that the military had put Starlink on a “target list” and had developed capabilities to counter the service.

В день нового наступления россиян на Харьковщину у бойцов ВСУ вышли из строя Starlink - WP17.05.2024, 18:06

Although Fedorov said Starlink's performance should improve soon, some of the disruptions, according to soldiers and officials, were deliberately tailored to the Russian attacks. Any interruptions at critical moments in the battle put the ZSU  at an even greater disadvantage, they said.

Fedorov assured that Ukraine  is constantly testing new systems. According to him, the military has specialized systems for maritime drones, which destroyed several Russian ships in the Black Sea.

"But, of course, there is no mass analog," he said.

Пентагон объединился с SpaceX, чтобы помешать использованию Россией Starlink10.05.2024, 01:55


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