
Russia hits Energy Infrastructure Facility in Kirovohrad region – RMA

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Russia attacked an Energy Infrastructure Facility in the Kirovohrad region during a massive missile strike on Ukraine on the night of June 1.

Russia massively attacked the regions of Ukraine on the night of June 1. As a result, an Energy Infrastructure Facility in the Kirovohrad region was affected. This was announced by the head of the Kirovohrad RMA Andrey Raikovich, reports UNN.


This morning – an enemy missile attack on the Kirovohrad region. Affected Energy Infrastructure Facility

head of Kirovohrad RMA Andrey Raikovich

According to preliminary information, there were no injuries, all relevant services are already working.


Energy Minister German Galushchenko reportedthat five Ukrainian energy facilities were under Russian attack.

On the night of June 1, the Russian army combined attacked Ukraine, as a result of which the Polish Armed Forces lifted planes into the air. The air forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported a drone attack, and subsequently the use of missiles.

Галущенко обговорив з послом Туреччини підвищення гнучкості енергосистеми та встановлення мобільних електростанцій30.05.24, 02:39


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