
Results of the inventory: Ministry of Defense reveals over 200 illegally seized land plots

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According to the results of the inventory of land in 2023, the Ministry of Defense found 200 illegally seized land plots. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Ministry of Defense.


Certified land surveyors have found that officials of certain local governments in Lviv, Poltava, Mykolaiv and Cherkasy regions have illegally occupied and seized more than 170 hectares of land from the Ministry of Defense that is necessary to ensure the country's defense capability 

- the department summarized. 

It is noted that according to regulatory and monetary valuation alone, the value of the seized land is more than UAH 300 million. 

The Ministry of Defense has already sent a report to law enforcement agencies about the seizure of the land and expects to bring the perpetrators to justice. 

Проросійські хакери атакували державний та комерційний сектор України – Сили оборони Півдня25.01.24, 21:46


At the same time , according to the Main Department of Lands and Funds, in 2023 the Ministry managed to cancel the state registration of 58 land plots with a total area of 2,380 hectares and return more than 30,000 square meters of real estate to its ownership.

This was ensured, in particular, through judicial and extrajudicial procedures, by implementing court decisions, appealing against unlawful decisions of state registrars and producing title documents.

The Ministry's position is principled: every violation detected will be made public, and those involved in criminal schemes and transactions with state land will be held liable under the current legislation

- emphasized State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Liudmyla Darahan


The Ministry of Defense will allow military units to keep accounting registers and logbooks of property only in electronic form to reduce bureaucracy and strengthen cybersecurity.


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