
Power engineers restore power line to Zaporizhzhia NPP after Russian shelling

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The operation of one of the power lines of Zaporizhzhya NPP, which was damaged as a result of Russian shelling, has been restored, UNN reports, citing the Ministry of Energy.


According to the agency, power engineers promptly restored the operation of the 330 kV high-voltage overhead line connecting the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP with the unified power system of Ukraine, which was damaged by enemy shelling.

One of the power lines at Zaporizhzhia NPP, which was damaged by Russian shelling, has now been restored. I am grateful to the power engineers for their work. Currently, the occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP is able to receive electricity through two power lines again. But I emphasize once again that the situation at the plant remains threatening due to the occupation of Zaporizhzhia NPP by the enemy. Only the return of control over the NPP to Ukraine can guarantee the safe operation of Europe's largest nuclear power plant

 ,” said Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko.

Yesterday, one of the overhead lines supplying ZNPP was damaged once again due to a Russian attack. Power engineers began repair and restoration work as soon as the security situation allowed.

Запорізька АЕС знову на межі блекауту через ворожі обстріли - Міненерго21.10.24, 14:17


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