
Oil depot burned down in occupied Luhansk, Russian army expropriates fuel remains - Lysogor

 • 19846 переглядiв

An oil depot burned down in occupied Luhansk, causing a fuel shortage, and the available stocks were transferred to the Russian military, while Russian troops continue to shell populated areas and attempt to storm Bilohorivka.

An oil depot in the temporarily occupied Luhansk has burned down, causing a shortage of fuel: the situation at gas stations is critical, and the existing stocks are being handed over to the Russian military. Meanwhile, the Russian invaders are shelling a number of settlements and are trying to resume the assault on Bilohorivka. The head of the Luhansk regional military administration Artem Lysogor writes about it , UNN reports .


The oil depot in Luhansk burned down only yesterday, and the city and its surroundings are already facing fuel shortages. The occupation authorities promise that everything will be fine later, but the situation at the gas stations is critical. They talk about "temporary difficulties". The so-called "LPR" does not yet know how to solve the logistical problem of delivering refined products. The existing stocks are being given to the Russian military. 

- reports the head of the Luhansk RMA.

According to Artem Lysogor's TG channel, the gunmen renewed their attempts to storm Bilohorivka.

The enemy is constantly attacking there, but there was no ground activity the day before yesterday, said the head of the Luhansk RMA.

At the same time, the enemy continues to exert pressure in the areas of Stelmakhivka, Makiivka, Nevske, Novolyubivka, and Tverdokhlibove. Fighting continues in the Serebryansky forest. The invaders shelled Nevske, Kuzemivka and Stelmakhivka near the frontline with artillery and mortars. Near Nevske and Kuzemivka, 27 Russian unmanned aerial vehicles attempted to carry out missions.

During the Easter holidays, the myth of "no losses" began to melt away, writes Lysogor.

More than 300 new graves of local servicemen from Russian army units were found in Alchevsk. Many of the mobilized men are considered missing," adds the head of the Luhansk RMA.

Ще плюс 1300 окупантів і 11 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога09.05.24, 07:45


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