
Odesa: Criminals engaged in illegal arms sales detained

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Law enforcement officers detained a criminal group that illegally sold weapons and ammunition from the combat zone. The detainees were taken during one of the transactions.

 Law enforcers detained in Odesa members of a criminal group that was selling weapons, grenades and ammunition of various calibers illegally taken from the combat zone.

This was reported by UNN, citing the press service of the National Police and the Security Service of Ukraine.


A group of people engaged in the illegal sale of firearms and ammunition was detained in Odesa. According to the investigation, the criminals received trophy weapons illegally imported from the sites of former military operations in the liberated areas of eastern and southern Ukraine.

The sale was organized through personal connections in the criminal environment.

Розстріляв в спину двох мирних жителів Київщини: військового рф засудили до довічного ув‘язнення12.01.24, 13:09

Over several months, law enforcement officers documented the sale of an F-1 grenade for $150 and a Makarov pistol with a magazine and 146 rounds of ammunition for a total of $1,300.

The members of the criminal group, headed by the organizer, were detained during the next sale - during the sale of three F-1 grenades for $ 450 to a regular customer.

It is also indicated that citizens of one of the countries of the Transcaucasus and the Republic of Moldova are involved in the illegal sale of weapons, grenades and ammunition of various calibers.

У Дніпрі викрили групу зловмисників, які тримали у трудовому рабстві півсотні людей11.01.24, 15:00

Investigative actions are ongoing to bring to justice other persons involved in the illegal activities.

The defendants were served a notice of suspicion under Part 3 Art. 28 and Part 1 Art. 263 (illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and custody was chosen as a measure of restraint.

Розстріляли цивільного на окупованій частині Херсонщини: про підозру повідомили двом військовим рф12.01.24, 15:34

Ihor Telezhnikov

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