
Occupants fired 190 times in Luhansk region over the last day, a total of 563 shells were launched - Lysohor

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The head of the Luhansk regional military administration said that over the past 24 hours, Russian troops fired 190 times at localities in Luhansk region, using a total of 563 shells, while Ukrainian defense forces continue to hold their positions.

Occupants fired 190 times in Luhansk region yesterday. The enemy used 563 shells. Defense forces continue to hold the line. Artem Lysohor, head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, spoke about the situation in Luhansk region during a telethon , UNN reports .


Last night alone, we had more than 190 attacks, 563 shells hit Luhansk Oblast's settlements and the defense line. These are unmanned aerial vehicles, mortars and everything else. But the guys are standing

- Lysogor said.

He said that in the sky over Luhansk region, the enemy is constantly attacking the positions of the Defense Forces using airplanes and helicopters.

There are always either helicopters, airplanes or UAVs of various types in the sky, striking at our positions and settlements

- Lysogor added.

Сили оборони збили російський Су-34 на Луганщині – Генштаб30.01.24, 09:53

The head of the JFO also noted that the enemy is trying to attack in small groups, getting defeated, and in some places they are throwing heavy equipment into the attack.

It's hard to call it a column, but 3-4 vehicles are going to make a breakthrough. It is only thanks to the preparedness of our guys that we manage to destroy the enemy. Indeed, when our artillery works, it is much more accurate than Russian artillery. And this immediately cools the enemy down

 ," emphasized Lysogor.

In addition, the head of the JFO spoke about the situation in the occupied cities. For example, the only boiler house in Sievierodonetsk, which the invaders had hoped would work, has stopped working. The situation with food and medical supplies is also critical in the occupied territories.

Протягом січня обстежено понад 21 тис. га в рамках заходів із розмінування земель31.01.24, 13:15

Also yesterday, the military administration evacuated three citizens from Nevsky - two men and one woman.


This morning, the occupation forces shelled the village of Tyahynkain Kherson region. A man was injured as a result of the Russian attack. 

росіяни вночі вдарили ракетами С-300 та "Іскандер" по Покровську на Донеччині: поранені шестеро людей 31.01.24, 11:11

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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