
Negotiations on the Peace Summit declaration are still ongoing, one of the scenarios envisages a document without consensus - media

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The final declaration of the Ukrainian Peace Summit in Burgenstock, Switzerland, has not yet been agreed upon due to certain wording and disagreements among the delegations of one hundred states and organizations, and there is a possibility that the final declaration could be adopted without consensus.

Negotiations on the final declaration of the Ukrainian Peace Summit in Burgenstock, Switzerland, on Saturday have not yet ended, UNN reports, citing Swiss publications watson and Keystone-SDA.


Negotiations on the final declaration are likely to continue "until the last minute" early Sunday morning, several sources close to the talks told Keystone-SDA.

Among the delegations of one hundred states and organizations, there are still "a few points of contention", as indicated. It was said that sometimes there was a struggle over individual words.

At first, it was unclear whether the final declaration would be adopted by all states.

As indicated, several scenarios are possible, including a final declaration without consensus, where each state has the opportunity to indicate whether it accepts it or not.


The Peace Summit is taking place in Burgenstock, Switzerland, on June 15-16. The aim of the meeting of heads of state and government is to develop a common understanding of the path to a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. This should become the basis for the peace process.

Representatives of more than 90 countries will gather in Switzerland for a conference on peace in Ukraine. On Friday, Putin set conditions for peace talks with Ukraine.


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