
NATO allies feel guilty for not granting Ukraine membership, encouraging putin's invasion - Boris Johnson

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Ukraine's NATO allies feel guilty that they cannot grant Ukraine membership now, as the Alliance's inaction has made a large-scale russian invasion possible. According to The Times, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told about this in the BBC documentary "putin against the West", reports UNN.

There is a deep institutional culpability on NATO's part. Because if the Alliance had done what it said it would do, and the Ukrainians were really on the path to full membership, putin would not have done what he did

- Johnson said.

He also noted that NATO's attempts to remain neutral and uncertain for a long time was fatal because it gave the russian dictator a reason to think that the West was not serious.

Our eternal attempts to sit on two chairs at once failed, and putin decided that it was not serious. The world is now in a situation where democracy has been in retreat and autocracy has made gains. The war in Ukraine has marked the end of this, and this is the moment when the West will tell putin: that's it. We are no longer paying attention to you

- Johnson said.

He also recalled his visit to Kyiv in April 2022 and his meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. At the time, Johnson said, Western allies were pressuring Ukraine for territorial concessions.

I did not think that such a compromise would be right. You can't negotiate with a crocodile that has bitten off half your leg and is offering to bite off the other half

- He added.

Генсек НАТО Столтенберг приїхав в США: домовлятиметься про підтримку України30.01.24, 11:38


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