
National Security Committee has not yet started consideration of 4195 submitted amendments to the mobilization bill - Bezuhla

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MP, Deputy Chair of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Mariana Bezuhla said that at today's meeting the committee did not start voting on 4195 amendments to the mobilization draft law. According to her, the committee again discussed rather than voted on the amendments. The MP said this in her Telegram channel, UNN reports.


According to Bezuhla, today the National Security Committee continued its consideration of the mobilization draft law, which was attended by the head of the National Assembly of Disabled People of Ukraine and the Presidential Commissioner for the Rights of People with Disabilities Valeriy Sushkevych.

They talked about people with disabilities. I emphasize that they were talking again, not voting on the amendments. That is, so far, none of the 4195 amendments submitted have been voted on

- Bezugla said.

According to her, Sushkevych insisted that all persons with disabilities should be mobilized only voluntarily; a person with a disability should have the right to choose a caregiver; no additional confirmation is required for groups I-II when applying for a caregiver.

When I once again pointed out that we had not yet moved on to specific amendments, that the experts could have been involved earlier, and that the invited guests were not allowed to speak, they tried to turn off the microphone

 - added the MP.

She also summarized the conclusions of the committee meeting: "hours of talks, no decision, finally external experts were involved, the committee is still clinging to the false comfort zone of "as it was". Colleagues, there will be no "as it was"," said the committee member.


The draft law on mobilization, which has received 4,195 amendments, may be adopted by the Verkhovna Rada by the end of March after being finalized in committee and by the legal department.


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