
Naftogaz will modernize CHP plants and develop green projects together with Japan

 • 30180 переглядiв

Naftogaz Group has signed memorandums with two Japanese companies to modernize its thermal power plants and develop a joint wind energy project. The signing took place on the occasion of the Conference on Economic Development and Reconstruction in Tokyo, Naftogaz said, UNN reports .


Japan's Sumitomo Corporation (SC) will help conduct a feasibility study for the modernization of heat supply systems in Ukraine with the support of the Japanese government.

The SC will also help attract financing from Japanese government financial institutions.

The thermal power plants in Ukraine, especially those that were transferred to Naftogaz, were built a long time ago and have an extremely outdated material base. We are very interested in modernizing them using advanced Japanese technologies. This is an important cooperation that we hope will lead to real infrastructure projects

said Oleksiy Chernyshev, Head of Naftogaz Group.

The installation of 1 MW of wind turbines is envisaged by the second memorandum signed by Naftogaz Group with the Japanese company Komaihaltec.

The turbines are to be installed at one of the Group's facilities.

This project is part of our drive to achieve full carbon neutrality. It will allow us to replace the energy from traditional sources consumed by the facility with clean wind energy. We hope that the project will meet our expectations and that we will be able to extend the experience to other Group facilities

said Oleksiy Chernyshov.

Addendum Addendum

Sumitomo is a large Japanese industrial and trading group of companies with diversified business interests in various industries around the world. It has over 400 years of history. The group's total assets are estimated at approximately USD 90 billion.

Komaihaltec is a Japanese company that specializes in the production of wind turbines and other renewable energy equipment.

Сервіси Нафтогазу відновили роботу після масштабної кібератаки28.01.24, 18:07


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