
NABU functionality to be improved for "hunting" high-ranking officials of the Presidential Office - international audit

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The NABU's functionality is to be improved to "hunt" high-ranking officials of the Presidential Office, according to an international audit.

International auditors recommend expanding the functional responsibilities of detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine in order to increase the number of investigations against high-ranking officials of the Presidential Office, UNN reports, citing a report by foreign experts.

According to the auditors, during the evaluation period from the beginning of 2021 to June 2023, there were very few cases involving category A civil servants, members of the government and their deputies, prosecutors and law enforcement officials.

"At the time of the assessment, the NABU had no proceedings against high-ranking officials from the Office of the President of Ukraine that had reached at least the stage of suspicion or indictment. The CPC also limits the NABU's jurisdiction, preventing it from effectively directing investigations against high-ranking officials of the Presidential Office, which should be corrected immediately," the report states.

Experts recommend balancing the NABU's jurisdiction to exclude minor cases and updating the list of officials and state bodies that can be investigated by anti-corruption agencies, including by including senior officials of the Presidential Office (such as the head and deputy heads of the OP).

Thus, if the recommendations of international experts are heeded, NABU detectives will be able to detain and serve suspicions on current high-ranking officials of the Presidential Office.

Директор НАБУ проігнорував виклик у Раду: нардепи вирішили йти в Бюро21.06.24, 08:40


The day before, the media reported that the NABU had detained Kyrylo Tymoshenko, a former deputy head of the Presidential Office and curator of the Big Construction project, in a case of leaking information from the bureau .

Subsequently, Tymoshenko himself reportedthat anti-corruption officers had searched his home in a case to which he allegedly had "nothing to do.


The NABU is "known" for its ability to loudly announce the exposure of another scheme and to serve a top official with a notice of suspicion. However, these cases often fall apart in courts or even fail to reach them.

A good example is the criminal proceedings against former Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan. Both cases collapsed in the courts. However, NABU did not officially apologize to the former minister for illegal criminal prosecution and damage to his business reputation.

Another of the recent "high-profile" NABU cases, which raises more and more questions, is the criminal proceedings against the former Minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Solskyi.

The case of the anti-corruption activists concerns a dispute over land plots in Sumy region, but as it turned out, neither he nor his affiliates have the accused land. At the request of UNN , law enforcement officers did not specify, what exactly the former minister had seized in this case. Moreover, the detectives tried to "leak" the examination, which they themselves had ordered and which, apparently, was supposed to testify to Solsky's innocence. However, the loud statements have already caused the disruption of negotiations with the Poles.

Lilia Podolyak



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