
More than 500 companies work for the defense industry in Ukraine - Kamyshin

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More than 500 companies, mostly private, operate in Ukraine's defense industry, stimulating the economy and forming foreign partnerships.

Currently, more than 500 companies work for the domestic defense industry. This was announced by the Minister for Strategic Industries Oleksandr Kamyshyn during a telethon, UNN reports .


Today, more than 500 companies are working for the national defense industry. Most of them, 400 companies, are private sector. One hundred are from the public sector. The majority of the public sector are Ukroboronprom enterprises, which are increasing their production in the same way as the private sector

- said Oleksandr Kamyshin.


According to Oleksandr Kamyshyn, the Ukrainian defense industry is becoming an important contributor to economic growth. For example, since last year, 1.5% of the 5% economic growth was contributed by the Ukrainian defense industry.


On January 10, it was reported that the Ukrainian Defense Industry Joint Stock Company was launching a partnership with four foreign companiesengaged in innovative development and production in the military sphere.

Україна і Литва підписали угоду про технічну, фінансову та оборонну співпрацю11.01.24, 23:13

Anna Onishchenko



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