
More than 40% of Ukrainians believe that the state of democracy in Ukraine has worsened under Zelensky - KIIS

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43% of Ukrainians believe that the situation with democracy has worsened during the presidency of Vladimir Zelensky. In addition, 49% of respondents believe that the state of the economy has also worsened.

According to the survey, 43% of Ukrainians believe that during the five years of Vladimir Zelensky's presidency, the situation with democracy in Ukraine has become worse. This was stated in the Kiev International Institute of sociology (KIIS), reports UNN.


It is noted that 19% of Ukrainians believe that the situation with democracy has improved, and 29% – that it has not changed.

43% see some deterioration, but among them 11% primarily attribute this to objective wartime circumstances, and 28% – to attempts by the authorities to curtail the rights and freedoms of citizens (another 3% gave both reasons)

- summed up in KIIS, 


As for the state of the economy, 49% of Ukrainians believe that the state of the economy has worsened under Zelensky's presidency, while 21% of respondents have not seen any changes. 17% of respondents say that the state of the economy has improved, and 13% could not choose any of these options.

Although no more than a fifth of Ukrainians see improvements in the sphere of democracy and economy following the results of 5 years of Zelensky's presidency, at the same time, no more than a quarter note a deterioration in the situation due to erroneous actions of the authorities. Ukrainians ' perception of changes in democracy and the economy can be interpreted as a lack of outstanding encouraging progress, but also without harsh accusations from the authorities

- Anton Grushetsky, first executive director of KIIS, summed up the situation 

For Reference

The survey was conducted by order of the public organization Center for Strategic Communications "Forum" during May 16-22, 2024. 

1002 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine (except the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) were interviewed by telephone interviews using a computer based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers.

The survey was conducted with adult citizens of Ukraine who at the time of the survey lived on the territory of Ukraine, which was controlled by the government of Ukraine. The sample did not include residents of territories that are temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities, and the survey was not conducted with citizens who went abroad after February 24, 2022.

Formally, under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.1) did not exceed 3.2% for indicators close to 50%, 2.7% for indicators close to 25%, 2.1% for indicators close to 10%, 1.4% for indicators close to 5%. in war conditions, in addition to the specified formal error, a certain systematic deviation is added (...) in general, we believe that the results obtained still retain high representativeness and allow us to analyze the public mood of the population quite reliably

- summed up in KIIS.


A KIIS poll shows that as of February 2024, slightly more than half of Ukrainians believe that Ukrainian President Volodymyr S.Yelensky will have to run for a second term.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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