
"Makes participation difficult for China": Beijing says agreements on Peace Summit in Switzerland do not meet its requests

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Agreements on a peace conference on Ukraine in Switzerland next month are still far from meeting China's needs and the general expectations of the international community, making it difficult for China to participate, Beijing said.

Arrangements for a peace conference on Ukraine in Switzerland next month are still far from meeting China's requests and the general expectations of the international community, making it difficult for China to participate, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Friday, according to Reuters, UNN writes.


"The arrangements for the meeting still fall far short of China's requests and the general expectations of the international community, making it difficult for China to participate," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said at a regular briefing.

"China has always insisted that an international peace conference should be endorsed by both Russia and Ukraine, with the equal participation of all parties, and that all peace proposals should be discussed in a fair and equal manner. Otherwise it will be difficult for it to play a substantive role in restoring peace," Mao Ning said.

Reuters, citing the Chinese foreign ministry, said that "China will not attend the peace conference on Ukraine in Switzerland next month, as it does not meet its expectations, which include the participation of both Russia and Ukraine.

This week, China informed some diplomats that it had declined the invitation, saying its conditions had not been met, four sources told Reuters earlier.

Китай не приєднається до швейцарської мирної конференції щодо України - Reuters31.05.24, 09:58

They included the fact that the conference should be recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, it should have equal participation of all parties and there should be a fair discussion of all proposals, one of the sources said.

Comment Embassy of Ukraine in Beijing

"We are very sorry that the Chinese side does not use the opportunity to present its position on the platform of the Summit in Switzerland," a representative of the Ukrainian Embassy in Beijing said in a statement to Reuters.


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