
Macron on the security agreement between France and Ukraine: it was signed for 10 years

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Ukraine and France have signed a 10-year agreement on security guarantees. This was stated by French President Emmanuel Macron during a joint press conference with Zelenskyy, UNN reports.

"I want to assure you that France is ready for long-term support. We have signed a 10-year agreement that will be in force until Ukraine joins NATO," Macron said.

Франція анонсує до 3 мільярдів євро додаткової військової допомоги Україні у 2024 році16.02.24, 21:46

According to him, France has pledged to contribute an additional 6 billion euros for military needs.

Макрон і Зеленський підписали двосторонню безпекову угоду між Францією та Україною16.02.24, 21:39


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