
Macron on Putin: “he is not ready for peace”

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French President Emmanuel Macron has criticized Vladimir Putin for rejecting a truce offer in Russia's war against Ukraine during the Olympic Games, saying Putin's refusal shows he is “not ready for peace.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has criticized Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin for rejecting a proposal for a truce in Russia's war against Ukraine during the Olympic Games and said Putin's refusal shows the world that he is "not ready for peace." He said this in an interview with CNBC, UNN reports.


"This is an important point to clarify, because every week so far, President Putin has said he is ready for peace," Macron said in an interview aired on Thursday.

But now that Putin has a concrete proposal for peace, Macron said in an interview, he is rejecting it.

"So, it's clear to everyone in the world. It was he who decided to start this war, and he is not ready for peace," Macron said.

The Olympic Games will begin in France this summer on July 26. Macron has long insisted on a ceasefire, which he said is part of a long tradition of the Olympic Games.

Macron said in an interview with CNBC that he believes it is important to use the Olympics as a moment to make progress toward peace and "maximize the level of pressure on those who have decided to start a war.

Macron also said that the Olympics could be a "very good opportunity" to build ties with China and work together for peace.

"Look, for me, a truce is not the end. Sustainable peace is the end," the French president said.

"But I think it is very important. First of all, it's a tradition, and it's very important to use this window for one month (during the Olympic Games)," he said.

Україна та Близький Схід: Макрон заявив Сі Цзіньпіну, що "координація" з Китаєм є "вирішальною"06.05.24, 13:59


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