
Lubinets: Forced passportization of Ukrainian children by Russians in the occupied territories is reaching threatening proportions

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The Russian occupiers forcibly issue Russian passports to Ukrainian children from the occupied territories during large-scale ceremonies to hide their true intentions and manipulate their minds.

The Russian occupiers have turned the process of handing over Russian passports to Ukrainian children into a large-scale ceremony. Forced passportization is gradually becoming more and more threatening. This was stated  by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets, UNN reports.


The Ombudsman said that children from the occupied territories of Ukraine are given Russian passports by the occupiers in a special ceremony. Sometimes they are taken thousands of kilometers to Moscow or St. Petersburg for this purpose.

Children receive passports for the festive raising of the tricolor and laying flowers at the monument to the "grieving mother." Representatives of the Russian Interior Ministry, the Investigative Committee, and so-called veterans of local wars and armed conflicts also come there.

Понад 2,5 тис. підлітків з ТОТ України відправлять на військові навчання у рф - ЦНС 03.06.24, 16:45

This is exactly what happened recently in the occupied Henichesk in the Kherson region. The contrived grandeur of this process is intended to give children the impression that they are becoming part of something important, hiding their true intentions and manipulating their consciousness   

- Lubinets said. 

He emphasized that the forced issuance of passports is an attempt to legitimize the occupation and to spread the idea that the local population has voluntarily accepted Russian citizenship.

The forced passportization of Ukrainian children by Russians is becoming more and more threatening! (...) This is an attempt to change the national identity of Ukrainian children and subjugate the population of the occupied territories

- The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights warned .


The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets said that Russian invaders took another group of 43 children from the temporarily occupied Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region, for a so-called vacation in Chuvashia.


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