
Lithuania deported a Russian because of a threat to state security

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A Russian citizen was deported from Lithuania on May 24 for endangering state security.

A Russian citizen was deported from Lithuania on May 24 because of a threat to state security, reports LRT, writes UNN.


The Lithuanian Department of State Security ruled that deportee Vladimir Vodo posed a threat to state security because his views were “disloyal to Lithuania and he disseminates propaganda information on social media in accordance with the information policy of russia”. Based on this, the Migration Department revoked his residence permit in Lithuania and decided to deport him.

Vodo appealed the decision, but on May 15, the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania issued a final decision to deport him to Russia.

"After completing all formalities, they sent it to Russia. There were no incidents, problems or unplanned accidents during the implementation of this decision," said Giedrius Misutis, a representative of the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service.

Vladimir Vodo, as indicated, has lived in Lithuania since 1989, and received his first permanent residence permit in Lithuania in 1993.

В Румынии арестовали подозреваемого в шпионаже в пользу рф: фотографировал военную технику вблизи границы с Украиной24.05.2024, 13:45


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