
Latvia to allocate 6 million euros for infrastructure development in Ukraine

 • 93549 переглядiв

Representatives of Ukraine and Latvia discussed increasing the volume of transportation through the Baltic ports, rail and road transportation, and increasing the export of Ukrainian products. Latvia has pledged to allocate 6 million euros in 2024 to support the development of Ukraine's infrastructure.

In 2024, Latvia will allocate 6 million euros to support infrastructure development in Ukraine. This was announced by representatives of the Latvian delegation during a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Community Development, territory and infrastructure of Ukraine, reports UNN with reference to the Ministry of restoration. 


The meeting discussed the development of logistics routes, increasing the volume of transportation through the Baltic ports, rail and road transportation, as well as increasing the export of Ukrainian products. 

Representatives of the Latvian delegation headed by the Minister of economy of Latvia  Viktor Valainis said that this year the country will allocate 6 million euros to support the development of infrastructure in Ukraine. It is expected that a similar amount of support will be laid down for 2025. 

We already have a number of joint developments on cooperation in the transport sector, which will not only increase the export potential of the state, but also stimulate the economic development of both countries. We are talking about transit routes, Railway and automobile infrastructure, as well as prospects for cooperation in the field of air traffic

- noted Acting Minister of Community Development, territory and infrastructure of Ukraine Vasyl Shkurakov.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the development of logistics chains and stimulating economic cooperation between the two countries.

Latvia is interested in strengthening economic ties, in particular, in replacing agricultural exports from the Russian Federation and developing export routes. It is expected that a proposal for a combined logistics solution will be formed for Ukrainian exporters and Latvian Partners, which will include both land and sea transport. 

Латвія надасть €10 млн на ініціативу із закупівлі боєприпасів для України15.05.24, 00:53

The parties also discussed the expansion of cooperation in the field of railway transport and the use of the e queue service. In addition, representatives of the Latvian delegation assured of the readiness of the air carrier airBaltic to start operating in Ukraine as soon as air traffic is restored.

Ukraine and Latvia also agreed to create a working group that will allow developing solutions in the field of transport cooperation – both at the level of the two countries and at the level of the European Union.

Рада схвалила мораторій на банкрутство критичної інфраструктури у держвласності22.05.24, 10:59


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