
Kiev region increases the pace of construction of fortifications: Kravchenko showed a video of fortifications

 • 21035 переглядiв

The Kiev region is increasing the pace of construction of military fortifications with constant coordination with the military command and strict control by law enforcement agencies to ensure the proper use of public funds.

In the Kiev region, the pace of construction of fortifications is increasing. All work is carried out under constant coordination with the military command. The use of state funds for fortifications is constantly checked by law enforcement officers. This was announced by the head of the Kiev regional military administration Ruslan Kravchenko, reports UNN

Kiev region is increasing the pace of construction of Military Engineering fortifications and lines of non-explosive barriers. Strengthening the defense capability of our Kiev region

- written by Kravchenko.

According to him,  the use of public funds for the construction of structures is constantly checked by the SBU, the state Bureau of Investigation and the NABU. Moreover, contractors who were involved in the construction of fortifications will be allowed to work only after a thorough check by law enforcement officers. 

Terms, quality, and prices. This is under meticulous multi-level control. The state allocates the necessary funds for the construction of fortifications. Our task is to ensure that everything goes exclusively as intended

the RMA chairman pointed out. 

Kravchenko also said that technical supervision of construction is carried out by specialists of the Kiev Research Institute of forensic examinations. They have checked all the design and estimate documentation, approved it with their expert reports, and carry out technical supervision of construction. 

"Closure of certificates of completed works – only after their construction and technical expertise. These documents and materials will definitely be provided for full verification to law enforcement officers,"  - said the chairman of the RMA. 

Облаштують укриття, два спортивні корти, конференц-зал: Кравченко розповів деталі про нову школу, яку планують звести на Київщині15.05.24, 19:12


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