
Israel outraged by ICC prosecutor's decision on Netanyahu's arrest warrant

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Israeli President Isaac Herzog has condemned the decision of the International Criminal Court prosecutor to issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials, calling it a political move that emboldens terrorists and shows that the international judicial system is on the verge of collapse.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog is convinced that the decision of the International Criminal Court prosecutor to request an arrest warrant for Israeli officials shows that the international judicial system is on the verge of collapse. He stated this on his page in X, reports UNN.


According to him, this is a political decision that emboldens terrorists around the world. 

The announcement by the ICC prosecutor is more than outrageous and shows how the international judicial system is in danger of collapse. (...) Hamas leaders are repressive dictators guilty of mass murder, mass rape and mass abductions of men, women, children and babies.  Any attempt to draw parallels between these brutal terrorists and the democratically elected government of Israel, which is working to fulfill its duty to protect and defend its citizens in full compliance with international law, is outrageous

- Isaac Herzog said .

He emphasized that Jerusalem will never forget who started this war, who raped, stabbed, burned, abused and kidnapped innocent citizens and families. 

We expect all the leaders of the free world to explicitly condemn this step and reject it outright

- Israel's president said. 


Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz also reacted to the decision of the ICC prosecutor. According to him, the prosecutor's statement is a historical disgrace that Jerusalem will remember forever. 

I have ordered the immediate creation of a special command center in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with all professional structures aimed at fighting against a decision designed primarily to bind Israel's hands and prevent it from exercising its right to self-defense. I intend to speak with the foreign ministers of the world's leading countries to urge them to oppose the prosecutor's decision and to state that even if the warrants are issued, they do not intend to use them against Israeli leaders

 - said Israel Katz on his page on the X network.


On the afternoon of May 20, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Kareem Khan, announced that he had requested the issuance of arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant, as well as three Hamas leaders.

All of them are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Earlier, the media reported  that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had allegedly appealed to U.S. President Joe Biden to help prevent the International Criminal Court in The Hague from issuing arrest warrants for his country's top officials.


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