
Infectious disease specialist Golubovskaya: despite the end of the flu season there are severe cases of the disease in children

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Despite spring and the end of the flu season, severe cases of influenza requiring hospitalization in children continue to be registered in Ukraine.

Despite the spring and the end of the flu season, in Ukraine are registered cases of this infection in children, and cases requiring hospitalization. In an exclusive commentary UNN the chief infectious disease specialist of Ukraine, honored doctor, Professor Olga Golubovska told about it.

The doctor noted that the last flu season was severe.

We've had a very bad flu season. Our hospital mortality this year from influenza exceeded the hospital mortality from covida. And so far, despite the fact that it is no longer the season, there are still severe cases of influenza requiring hospitalization, and in children, too

- Golubovskaya said.

Гриппом и ОРВИ в течение эпидсезона переболело на треть больше украинцев, чем в прошлом году08.03.2024, 16:37

She added that cases of chicken pox and whooping cough have also increased, both among children and adults.

As for the coronavirus, the professor explained that the virus has already lost its initial aggressiveness and now mostly causes mild forms of the disease. But it is still capable of causing lethal outcome, and therefore it is necessary to conduct timely testing of risk groups and, if the infection is detected, to promptly start using therapy aimed at the coronavirus.

READ ALSO: Golubovskaya: treatment of covidae patients should not rely on vaccination status

“There is already therapy in place, so it's about timely diagnosis. Timely diagnosis, prescribed therapy - saves almost everyone. And this pattern is the same for all infections. There's gonna be a new pandemic, there's gonna be something else ... I just want everyone to remember this once and for all: infectious diseases should be treated from the moment of diagnosis as soon as possible, in the first days of the disease, and not at the stage of resuscitation,” the specialist emphasized.

Глава ВОЗ призвал быть готовыми к новой пандемии "болезни Х"17.01.2024, 17:00


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