
Increase in excise tax: the expert told how much the cost of fuel can increase in July

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The Verkhovna Rada has supported a bill to raise the excise tax on fuel, which can raise prices for gasoline by UAH 1.5, diesel fuel by UAH 2 and liquefied gas by UAH 5.5 per liter. However, experts say that this will not significantly affect prices due to the fall in oil prices.

The Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading a bill that provides for an increase in the excise tax on fuel, which may lead to an increase in prices for gasoline by 1.5 Hryvnia, for diesel fuel by 2 Hryvnia, for liquefied gas - 5.5 Hryvnia per liter. However, if the bill were passed today, Ukrainians would not feel any fluctuations in either gasoline or diesel at all. This was stated in a comment to UNN by the director of the consulting company "a-95" Sergey Kuyun. 


In fact, in my opinion, there is more talk about this bill than any real consequences. I will say that if it was adopted today, you would not feel any fluctuations in either gasoline or diesel at all. Today, the price of oil is falling and, accordingly, this could compensate for the tax increase. Accordingly, we are not talking about any tragedy in any case, we are just talking about equalizing the conditions for everyone. Therefore, I do not see any tragic consequences and there is nothing to talk about. If you look at it, the tax increases on gasoline by UAH 1.5, on diesel fuel by UAH 2, on liquefied gas - UAH 5.5 per liter

 Kuyun said. 

He notes that earlier there was an increase in the excise tax on liquefied gas, but it still remained very attractive for those who use it. 

Yes, indeed, there was an increase in the price of liquefied natural gas, but it still remained very attractive for those who use it. Because there was an excise tax benefit for it for many years, the state actually helped consumers of this product financially, and over these 15 years, people have saved tens of billions of hryvnias. Today, there is a situation where the budget is not up to preferential programs. That is, today we are already talking about ensuring that we survive, about financing the defense, and accordingly it is proposed not to raise it to some skies, but simply to equalize the conditions

the expert added. 

He noted that the draft law on increasing the excise tax on fuel actually provides that an excise tax will be paid from every kilometer of the road that a car overcomes, regardless of the type of fuel that this car uses.

For example, today someone who drives on gas, for his money, will buy one bulletproof vest, and for the money of someone who runs on gasoline - 4 bulletproof vests. Although they drove the same way and it is absolutely not clear why this is so. Because gas is an oil fuel, and gas is an imported fuel, just like gasoline, but for some reason we had such a tax excise offshore company for many years, and today the state says: "we helped you for many years, and now you help your country so that we can survive

Kuyun noted. 

He also noted that according to calculations, such an increase will provide the budget with UAH 37 billion by the end of the year, which is currently needed to close the hole that has formed in the state budget. In addition, Kuyun stressed that the price of fuel depends not only on the excise tax.

The tax component in gasoline is more than 30%, but what is the rest?. 10% is the earnings of gas stations, 15% is logistics, storage, operation of gas stations, profit of gas stations, and another 55-60% is the purchase price. In fact, this is the world price of oil. Accordingly, what will be the price of oil (next year - ed.), but no one knows yet, but we know for sure that we need money. For example, due to the increase in oil prices in April, gasoline rose in price by 5 hryvnias and diesel fuel rose in price. Today, by 1.5-2 Hryvnia, it may rise in price, then such a uproar is already rising in society. If there is such a hype as today, everyone pays attention to it, but in fact 1.5-2 Hryvnia is market fluctuations that no one ever pays attention to

 - the expert summed up. 


Yesterday, on June 4, the Verkhovna Rada supported in the first reading a bill that provides for an increase in the excise tax on fuel. The document stipulates that the excise tax rate on gasoline will be 359 euros per 1000 liters, on diesel - 330 euros, and on gas - 70 euros.

Bill No. 11256-2 was supported after the rejection of two previous bills. In particular, the Parliament did not support in the first reading the government Bill No. 11256 on raising the excise tax on fuel. Only 212 deputies voted for it.

The government proposed to bring the size of excise tax rates on fuel to the minimum levels of such rates established in the EU, gradually, over 4 years.

There were also not enough votes for another alternative Bill No. 11256-1. it was supported by only 218 deputies.

Уряд схвалив поступове підвищення акцизів на пальне та деякі алкогольні напої до мінімальних рівнів ЄС - Мінфін22.03.24, 16:37


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