
In the occupied territories, the invaders handed out a plan for turnout for the "elections" - CNS

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The Russian occupiers in the occupied territories have distributed a plan to ensure a high turnout for fake elections to legitimize the occupation among such structures as educational institutions.

The Russian invaders in the occupied territories have dismantled the plan to turn out employees of fake educational institutions and other structures at "polling stations". This is reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports .


The report indicates that a propaganda show called "Russian presidential elections" is being launched in the temporarily occupied territories, with the aim of creating collective responsibility for the Kremlin's crimes.

That is, to demonstrate Russian support for the policies of their dictator Putin, as well as to "legalize" the occupation of the TOT by drawing a turnout. To do this, all collaborators were tasked with ensuring the rate of turnout at a particular polling station from each enterprise or institution

the statement said.

At the same time, the leaders were warned that video surveillance with a face recognition system at the polling stations would reveal whether the plan had been implemented, and threatened with consequences if it was not.

Центр нацспротиву розповів, як ФСБ використовує українців у своїх операціях28.02.24, 00:17

Lilia Podolyak



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