
Banker and his accomplices suspected of embezzling over UAH 6 million in Kyiv

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The banker and two of his accomplices probably stole more than UAH 6 million from clients' bank accounts by forging documents and illegally withdrawing funds. illegal withdrawals.

Kiev police report the exposure of a group of fraudsters, including the head of the bank's branch and two of his acquaintances. They are suspected of embezzling almost UAH 6.2 million from someone else's bank account. Reports UNN with reference to the press service of the National Police of Ukraine.


It is established that the criminal group included three people. This is the 32-year-old manager of the bank's branch, as well as two of his acquaintances. An employee of the bank chose among the clients of the financial institution a woman who has a significant amount of money in her account. According to law enforcement officers, the person involved gave this data to a 42-year - old friend, who, in turn, made fictitious documents in the name of the victim. Then, using forged documents, the 29-year-old accomplice of the defendants withdrew almost UAH 6.2 million from the woman's account.

В Ужгороді чоловік повідомив, що прийшов з вибухівкою в "Укргазбанк": поліція небезпечних предметів не виявила30.05.24, 20:21

The police also identified five more victims, from whose accounts the attackers similarly withdrew money.

Now the exact amount of damage caused to them is being determined. According to preliminary estimates, it may reach UAH 10 million.


The police searched the suspects ' homes.

The police seized "rough" records, phone numbers with correspondence, wigs used by one of the defendants for disguise, money and jewelry purchased at the expense of the victims, as well as three cars.

Шістьох шахраїв екстрадували до Чехії за схему на 5,5 млн грн: гроші переводили у криптовалюту і готівку для покупки елітних авто й нерухомості14.05.24, 12:00

Ihor Telezhnikov



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