
In Georgia, opponents of the law on "foreign agents" announced a protest at night near the parliament building

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Thousands of opponents of the law on "foreign agents" in Georgia will spend the night of May 12-13 outside the parliament building ahead of a vote on the controversial bill scheduled for May 14.

Opponents of the law on "foreign agents" will spend the night of May 12-13 near the Georgian parliament building. The night before, on May 11, a rally of thousands took place on Europe Square in Tbilisi.  This was reported by UNN with reference to Echo of the Caucasus. 

On May 13, at 9 a.m. Tbilisi time, a meeting of the parliament's legal committee is scheduled to take place, where the scandalous initiative will be discussed in the third reading.

The session meeting and third reading vote in the parliament is scheduled for May 14.

On the evening of May 11, a rally of thousands of people took place on Europe Square in Tbilisi against the law on "foreign agents" - the draft law "On Transparency of Foreign Influence." The participants of the "European March" arrived at the square from three different locations. 

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze suggested that the government, with the assistance of international partners, will amend the controversial bill after the president vetoes it. The opposition has already spoken out against "cosmetic amendments" to the bill.

The EU and the US warn that the price of passing this bill for Georgia, which aspires to join the European Union and NATO, could be very high. Brussels and Washington are warning of sanctions against government officials responsible for undermining democracy in Georgia.

У МЗС Грузії назвали образою відставку посла у Франції через закон про іноагентів10.05.24, 19:03


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