
In 2025, the US is likely to reduce the level of financial support for Ukraine - WSJ

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The Wall Street Journal reports that the United States is likely to reduce financial assistance to Ukraine in 2025. The White House discusses options for supporting Kyiv, given limited resources and political uncertainty.

In 2025, Washington is likely to reduce the amount of financial assistance to Ukraine, regardless of who heads the White House. The Wall Street Journal writes about this with reference to its own sources, UNN reports.


The publication points out that there are only four months left in the Biden administration, and there is no hope that Congress will approve additional funding for Ukraine regardless of who wins the presidency.

So today, the White House is discussing how best to help Kyiv, given the limited set of tools available. Among the options is the lifting of restrictions on the use of long-range weapons in strikes against Russia. 

At the same time, the US realizes that is unlikely to satisfy Kyiv, which has been trying for months to convince the Biden administration to allow its troops to use long-range weapons.

Україна та США домовились розвивати партнерство у проєктах економічного відновлення 06.09.24, 19:59

In addition, Ukraine's invasion of Russia's Kursk region last month caused tensions with Washington. The journalists emphasized that the United States did not comment publicly on the Ukrainian operation. 

However, behind the scenes, US officials are nervous that by sending so many troops to Kursk, Ukraine has left itself vulnerable in the east.

Earlier this year, the administration managed to push through a $60 billion aid package for Ukraine, enough to keep Kyiv's forces going for months to come, but unlikely to continue in the future, regardless of who occupies the White House

- writes Wall Street Journal

The journalists explained that the Biden administration wants Kyiv to focus on stopping Russian advances in the east along the current combat lines.

To protect Ukraine from future uncertainty, the Biden administration and NATO allies are trying to build long-term plans to help Kyiv that can survive political fluctuations in any country.

Адмірал НАТО: США навряд чи припинять підтримку України після виборів11.09.24, 12:21

In particular, during his visit to Europe this week, Blinken noted that more than two dozen countries, many of them NATO members, have signed bilateral security agreements with Kyiv. This is expected to help Ukraine build up its armed forces and defense industry.


The journalists explained that if Vice President Kamala Harris takes over the White House in the November elections, she will face the same restrictions as Biden in trying to maintain support for Ukraine.

However, if Donald Trump wins, Ukraine will face a new and potentially unknown dynamic in Washington. 

План Трампа щодо України: демілітаризована зона та відмова від НАТО13.09.24, 03:33

So today, the US presidential administration is trying to improve Ukraine's strategic position as much as possible before the end of Joe Biden's term. 


White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby said that the United States wants to provide Ukraine with everything it needs to be in a strong position in negotiations with Russia

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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