
Illegal 355 thousand euros and 46 thousand dollars found in Kyiv-Peremyshl train

 • 14520 переглядiв

Illegally transported 355 thousand euros and 46 thousand US dollars were found on a train in Kyiv-Peremyshl. This was reported by the Chamber of Tax Administration in Rzeszow, UNN reports.


During the inspection of a passenger train Kyiv-Peremyshl, customs officers found a significant amount of money in the luggage of one of the passengers. The citizen of Ukraine filed a currency declaration for the transportation of 20 thousand zlotys, but during a detailed inspection it was found that she was transporting a much larger amount - more than 355 thousand euros and 46 thousand US dollars. The total value of the found cash is about PLN 1.7 million.

The money was hidden in a bag in the woman's luggage. Criminal proceedings were opened against her, and 50 thousand zlotys were taken as a fine.


This case was not the first in a series of detections of illegal transportation of foreign currency across the Polish-Ukrainian border.

Over the past few weeks, customs officers have detained several people with large amounts of cash. For example, a woman arriving from Kharkiv tried to transport $40,000 without filing a declaration.

Another woman who was crossing the border from Odesa and was detained with $30,000 failed to file a currency declaration.

На Волині митники виявили 8 мільйонів гривень недекларованої готівки у багажнику мандрівника19.02.24, 21:08


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