
Hungary's security depends on Kyiv's survival: Center for Strategic Communications responds to Orban's statement on buffer zone in Ukraine

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In response to the Hungarian Prime Minister's statement about a buffer zone in Ukraine, the Center for Strategic Communications said that Hungary's security depends on Kyiv's survival.

The Hungarian Prime Minister's proposal for a buffer zone on the territory of Ukraine between russia and NATO makes no sense, as the Kremlin is not interested in "buffers" but in methodical expansion, the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security said, according to UNN .


russia is not interested in any "buffers", its goal is to expand and destroy Ukraine

- emphasize the Center for Strategic Communications .

The analysts also emphasize that the Kremlin is going to "flirt" with Orban only as long as it needs him to weaken European support for Ukraine.

Орбан: "Членство України в НАТО означало б, що наступного дня ми повинні були б відправити війська"21.12.23, 15:23

It is noted that without Ukraine, NATO will not have sufficient capacity to deter russian aggression.

Hungary's security depends on Ukraine's survival

- emphasized in  the Center for Strategic Communications.


The analysts emphasized that Ukraine's membership in NATO is the only effective and long-term guarantee of russia's non-aggression. Instead, Ukraine outside the Alliance is an "invitation" for the Kremlin to continue its aggression

In addition, the Center added that despite Orban's rhetoric, Ukraine is grateful to Hungary for supporting Kyiv in the European Council.


Recently, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that Ukraine will retain its statehood only if it becomes a buffer zone between russia and the West.

According to him, Ukraine should refuse to join the EU and NATO and become a buffer zone between russia and the West.

Whether we like it or not, whether Ukrainians like it or not, Ukraine is where it is on the map. The best prospect for it would be to create a buffer zone between russia and the West - with security guarantees, of course

- Orban said.

У Держдепартаменті США розкритикували політику Орбана щодо України12.01.24, 09:51


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