
Fraud with coal for half a billion hryvnias: the ex-head of the state-owned company Krasnolimanskaya will be tried

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The former acting director of the state-owned Coal Company Krasnolimanskaya is accused of causing damage in the amount of UAH 358 million and environmental damage in the amount of more than UAH 210 million as a result of illegal coal mining and the sale of coal at low prices to a private company, which led to losses of the state-owned enterprise.

Law enforcement officers submitted to the court a case against the former acting general director of the State Enterprise "Krasnolimanskaya Coal Company", who is accused of causing 358 million UAH of damage, as well as causing damage to the environment for more than 210 million UAH.  this is reported by UNN with reference to the statement of the NABU.  


Investigators found out that during November 2015, the former head of the state coal mining enterprise organized illegal coal mining in the absence of permits, which caused environmental damage in the amount of more than UAH 210 million.

In addition, from December 2015 to January 2017, according to contracts signed by the head of the State Enterprise "Krasnolimanskaya Coal Company", coal extracted by the mine was sold at low prices in favor of a private company.

У махінаціях з вугіллям на пів мільярда запідозрили екскерівника держпідприємства26.05.23, 15:05 • [views_399420]

In the future, this coal was delivered at the market price to thermal power plants of the Power Generating Company PJSC Centrenergo, more than 3/4 of which is owned by the state. 

The involvement of an intermediary in this scheme of selling hard coal between state-owned enterprises caused losses to the State Enterprise "Krasnolimanskaya coal company "in the amount of UAH 336 million 

The actions of the former head of the enterprise are qualified under:
 Part 2 of Article 240 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the rules of protection or use of Mineral Resources, illegal extraction of minerals),
Part 2 of Article 28 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Commission of a criminal offense by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior agreement, an organized group or a criminal organization),
 Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of power or official position)

- stated in the NABU.


In Kiev, the deputy director of KP "Engineering Center" will be tried on charges of embezzlement of budget funds in the amount of UAH 1.4 million during the reconstruction of stairs and paving stones in Podil. 


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