
Finland approves new military aid package for Ukraine

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Finland announced a new military aid package to Ukraine worth 159 million euros, the 24th in a row. The total value of Finnish defense equipment for Ukraine has reached 2.2 billion euros.

The 24th shipment of defense aid from Finland to Ukraine. The cost is approximately 159 million euros. Writes UNN with reference to the website of the Ministry of Defense of Finland.


Finland announces a new military support package for Ukraine.

It is now known that this is the 24th shipment of defense aid from Finland to Ukraine. The estimated cost to Finland of replacing the equipment in this shipment is approximately 159 million euros. The total value of Finnish defense equipment for Ukraine is currently 2.2 billion euros.

Норвегія, Фінляндія і Швеція створять військово-транспортний коридор21.06.24, 02:36

For operational reasons and to ensure the safe delivery of the aid, no details on the exact content, method and timing of the aid delivery are disclosed. At the same time, it is noted that the assistance was provided with due consideration:

  • Ukraine's needs,
  • Resource situation in the armed forces

"Finland is committed to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia's unjust aggression. It is not only about Ukraine, but also about the right of all free peoples to a full existence. We, the Finns, know from our own history how important this issue is," said Defense Minister Antti Häkkänen.

Фінляндія передає Україні останні новинки своєї оборонної промисловості09.06.24, 07:53


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